Monday, October 4, 2010

Facts About Warts That You Should Know

A wart is a typical virus infection skin disease taking a similar form as a solid blister or a cauliflower. It is a small and rough non-cancerous tumor easily seen on fingers and back of our hands as well as on our feet. It is also called as seed warts because they contain little blood vessels that look like black seeds. Its color is grayish-brown and can either be very light or very dark compared to the normal skin surrounding it.

In fact, warts can grow on any part of our body. They can grow on our skin, on the inside of our mouth, and even on our genital and rectal areas. The bad news is that it is easily transferable through skin contact or using objects such as towels or handkerchiefs that were used by a person having warts.

Other than those on the soles of the feet and at other high-friction skin areas, warts are normally harmless but some are very itching. They are somewhat disturbing and thus the need to remove them becomes apparent, especially for those having major cosmetic concerns. Preventing warts from spreading further is another reason why removing them is of particular importance. But keep in mind that a wart can recur after its removal. It is thus necessary to choose a removal treatment whose cost is reasonably cheap. However, for an infected wart such as an oral wart, its removal should be referred to a professional practitioner to avoid complication. 

The sets of images below are mainly for you to see the significant difference between warts and moles.

common wart, finger wart, hangnail wart, plantar wart

skin moles